a complete (ish) list of my bylines
physics & chemistry
- how to dodge the sonic weapon used by police (popular mechanics, 2020); winner of the 2021 science in society award
- the green, poisonous gas that lit up portland protests (future human, 2020)
- analyzing every second of the classic dial-up modem sound (popular mechanics, 2019)
- brainstorming the next generation of neuromorphic computing (photonics focus, 2021)
- what's in your water? new approaches to photonic biosensing detect contamination in water systems (photonics focus, 2020)
- the invisible battle for america's airwaves (popular mechanics, 2019)
- green-eyed lion eating the sun (popula, 2019)
- smart grid experiments in turkey and portugal help participants save on utilities (ieee spectrum, 2019)
- the industry reps pushing corporate interests in space (sludge, 2019)
- the volunteers blanketing cities with wireless internet (mit tech review, 2020)
robots & hardware
math & software
- this designer found a brand new instance of the fibonacci sequence in artificial trees (popular mechanics, 2023)
- ibm's new ai tool parses a tidal wave of coronavirus research (ieee spectrum, 2020)
- why can't large language models stop being sexist? (vice, 2019)
- how china's state-sponsored social networks control misinformation--and dissent (ieee spectrum, 2018)
- when developers can't explain their AI, laws no longer apply (the technoskeptic, 2018)
- the soil stripped bare: a twining history of slavery and kudzu in america's south (silica magazine, 2020)
- vegetables don't exist (popula, 2019)
- the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning (popula, 2018)
book reviews
technical writing
- the basics of lubricating bearings (machine design, 2021)
- dynamic image resizing with ruby and serverless framework (serverless.com, 2021) (ghost wrote this to see if i wanted to be a software writer) (i did not)
- hybrid manufacturing in the factory of the future (tribology and lubrication technologies, 2021)
- a gaming laptop with serious self-control (popular mechanics, 2021) (sponsored by nvidia)
- gear oils and drivetrain efficiency (tribology and lubrication technologies, 2020)
- how the human eye processes pixels (the verge, 2018) (sponsored by an 8k tv maker)